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St. Joseph's Primary School, Ederney, Enniskillen

SchoolCycled - Recycling Plastic Bottle caps

22nd Apr 2024
Our Eco Council need your help with our new recycling project.
SchoolCycled is an initiative by MYGroup, designed to educate the next generation about recycling, fragile ecosystems and sustainability. ??HOW YOU CAN HELP US..... We would greatly appreciate if you and your friends/family could collect plastic caps for us! It's amazing how many products come with plastic caps.......and every cap helps!! ??WHAT WILL THE REWARD BE?.... For every kilogram of bottle caps collected, the school earns 250 Earth Tokens. Tokens can be exchanged for items of furniture, play equipment, signage or other recycled plastic items within the ever expanding SchoolCycled catalogue! It would be absolutely brilliant if we could further develop our Outdoor Classroom areas. Thank you to everyone who has already brought/sent in caps! Every cap adds to those Kilograms ??. Thank you!